Click the link ;)
..vivemos uma distopia quando poderiamos viver uma utopia e o apocalipse não vai chegar.. ..o alocAPIpse já chegou e é esta distopia que nos forçamos viver.. ..como naquelas alturas.. ..aquelas quando não queremos ir, mas acabamos por nos dar de conta que já lá estamos! Chamemos-lhe contradições possíveis, mas é claro que nada passa de ilusão.. Puft..
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ
The Ultimate (Western) History Lesson..*
*check the videos description on YouTube for links to more information..
You should check → → → this ← ← ← after ↑↑↑ this ↑↑↑..
WKAJ TV is a 24-hour documentary network dedicated to a surrogate view of
social, political, and economic issues of the past and present. (~330 hours of documentaries, start watching them)
↓↓↓ Pftzips ↓↓↓ Posts ↓↓↓
30 December 2014
Colorado Sells $34 Million Of Cannabis: $3.4 Million Goes To Schools, Crime Down 15%..
22 December 2014
27 November 2014
Study Finds Cannabis Increases Your IQ (e um lembrete para o M.P. e Infarmed..)..
Mais um estudo/link para juntar à colecção de provas que a cannabis/marijuana curam não só o cancro como praticamente todas as doenças, e ainda aumentam o Quociente de Inteligência.. Se calhar é por isso, como não fumam não percebem que já devia ser legal tanto a produção como o livre uso da cannabis, o que não só os beneficiaria a eles como a todos nós..Study Finds Marijuana Increases Your IQ
(Não me esqueci, o lembrete, para que não faltem referencias a pelo menos duas ou três dezenas de ligações para estudos que existem postados no blog..) Referencia 1 - 9-thca 9-thc 8-thc thcv cbd cbda cbg
26 November 2014
Slavery by Consent
25 November 2014
16 November 2014
The Great Dumbing Down of Humanity and the Depopulation Agenda..
The term "dumbing-down" describes the deliberate diminishment of the intellectual level of the content of schooling and education, of literature and cinema, and of news and culture. The idea of and the term dumbing down originated in 1933 as slang, used by motion picture screenplay writers, to mean: "revise so as to appeal to those of little education or intelligence."..
14 November 2014
Kids tortured into disability to beg =(
13 November 2014
Ethan Nadelmann - What has the war on drugs done to the world? (TEDTalk)
Kevin Galalae - Methods of Depopulation
07 November 2014
31 October 2014
Earth Medicine by Beezhan Tulu
To visit/open Kickstarter page of this awesome project click on the K at the top^ left< corner of video or simple click here =P
29 October 2014
Psiquiatria, Uma Indústria da Morte
"De acordo com o documentário, a história da psiquiatria é carregada de desumanidade e horror: Espancamento, mutilação de órgãos fundamentais, sangramento forçado e recentemente dano cerebral provocado, choque e a lobotomia foram - cada um em sua época - “cientificamente” defendidos como verdadeira cura para os pacientes. Mas depois, todos mostraram-se grandes fracassos.
Utilizada muitas vezes como ferramenta política e de controle social. Foi a base das piores teorias que fundaram a eugenia e justificaram o racismo. Foi amplamente utilizada na construção do nazismo, no controle de dissidentes do regime soviético, no Apartheid, nas bases americanas, como em Guantánamo, e em vários outros episódios onde existisse qualquer cidadão indesejável ao poder.
A partir dos anos 70, com tantos casos de depressão, drogas da moda aliadas à publicidade garantem bilhões de dólares de lucro à indústria da psiquiatria. Nos EUA 8% da população faz uso delas. Drogas que podem causar efeitos colaterais dramáticos, como o suicídio e a violência. Essa indústria bilionária hoje foca sua atenção nas crianças nas escolas americanas, onde atualmente mais de 6 milhões delas são diagnosticadas e medicadas com algum tipo de desordem mental.
"Tudo que o homem não conhece não existe para ele. Por isso o mundo tem, para cada um, o tamanho que abrange o seu conhecimento."
(Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche)
26 October 2014
UN Debate - Chemtrails, Weather Modification, SRM
..and more if You keep watching the whole playlist ;) (not entirely my personal opinion or belief, still there is very good information to help join a couple of "dots"..)..
18 October 2014
Immortal Technique - The Martyr (2011) Full Album
Immortal Technique On Fire with Alex Jones
12 October 2014
The Science of Medical Cannabis: Truth & Facts vs. Conspiracy & Lies (AlienScientist)
Another one of AlienScientist great video/doc.Check the video description on YouTube for the studies links ;) (might add them to this post later)
08 October 2014
A Vortex Based Mathematics Presentation by Marko Rodin & Randy Powell
Contact Information: Marko Rodin PO Box 12035 La Jolla, California 92039 USA Telephone & Text Messages: 1-858-405-0009 PayPal Donations: We are currently in need of a new film production studio facility.
06 October 2014
The Science of Cannabis as a Cancer Cure
Senhoras e Senhores do Ministério Publico, juízes e INFARMED.(entre outros) Afinal até cura o cancro e há cada vez mais estudos e provas disso, e isto se nos limitarmos exclusivamente ao cancro pois os estudos mostram, não só ser uma cura para o cancro, também comprovam que é uma das melhores curas para praticamente tudo, e não só uma cura como também uma ferramenta para a nossa expansão como seres humanos, supostamente civilizados, coisa que se fossemos, Eu não estaria a sofrer o escrutínio que me estão a fazer passar..Tal como já referi em publicações anteriores, com links, vídeos, pequenos textos.. (aqui vão alguns só para relembrar..)
« Os links são o suficiente para provar o que digo.. »
« Why Cannabis is the Future of Medicine »
The Science of Cannabis as a Cancer Cure
E mais algumas publicações que contêm documentários que podem ajudar qualquer um a abrir os olhos e perceber que a Canabis é uma planta inofensiva e que tem o potencial para resolver uma serie de problemas não só a nível da saúde/bem estar humano como ambiental..
« Study: Habitual Marijuana Smoking.. »
« Cannabis Prohibition - A War on the People »
« Cannabis Rising - The Key in the Lock (legendado PT/BR) »
« Legalizing Pot - The Illuminati's Worst Nightmare »
Need I "say" more?? Learn to live, to let live, love and be loved, ultimately we are all one..
02 October 2014
29 September 2014
26 September 2014
Study : Legal Marijuana Market Would Yield Over $3 Billion In Annual Tax Revenue
[Washington, DC: Legalizing the retail production and sale of cannabis in the United States would yield over $3 billion in annual tax revenue, according to an analysis published this week by the personal finance website, ""]
Study : Legal Marijuana Market Would Yield Over $3 Billion In Annual Tax REVenue
Source: NORML
Women Say Cannabis Is Most Effective Alternative Pain Treatment Option
[A meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded, "[I]t is reasonable to consider cannabinoids as a treatment option for the management of chronic neuropathic pain with evidence of efficacy in other types of chronic pain such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis as well."]
Women Say Cannabis Is Most Effective Alternative Pain Treatment Option
Source: NORML
23 September 2014
22 September 2014
14 September 2014
#ITF - Next Future Terrifying Technology Will Blow Your Mind
12 September 2014
Why Cannabis is the Future of Medicine
"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?" ~ Willie Nelson "Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?" ~ Bill Hicks
01 September 2014
Cows are peaceful, sacred and beautiful..
Cows are peaceful, sacred & beautiful.
Ugly, immoral people force them to become their cattle.
— Vegan Revolution (@VeganRevoIution) August 28, 2014
27 August 2014
Dr Russell Blaylock - Nutrition and the Illuminati Agenda
23 August 2014
Mind control and the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum
listen and learn ;) "..frr, screw You and Your tin foil hat, tin foil doesn't do squat, it's copper.."
21 August 2014
CDC Whistleblower - Vaccine-Autism Link
20 August 2014
O Trabalho Liberta? Arbeit Macht Frei? Work Liberates? - Edgar Pêra (1992)
Trabalhar; (latim *tripaliare, torturar com um instrumento, de tripalis, -e, que tem três estacas)
10 August 2014
Nassim Haramein COGNOS 2010 (Barcelona)
Love it!! Awesome conference/presentation, Nassim Haramein at his best, always ;P (..a must see for everyONE!! ^_^..)
01 August 2014
Vunty - Personal Development & Spiritual Growth
Vunty blog about Personal Development & Spiritual Growth It is really worth checking if You are an Eckhart Tolle 'fan' or even if You are not and just want to improve Yourself.. Just check it out ;) hereI'll let it as a permanent link here on the right above twitter feed, or if You prefer, Vunty Health/Wellness Website facebook, or Vunty/Loving Habits twitter
23 July 2014
17 July 2014
15 July 2014
In Lies We Trust - The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism
12 July 2014
11 July 2014
Barrie Trower - Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health
You can make a difference in the Earth, turn off Your Wi-Fi, use cable, it's more stable and can be much faster, thank You!!
04 July 2014
02 July 2014
27 June 2014
Study: Habitual Marijuana Smoking Not Associated With Increased Risk Of Lung Cancer
Study: Habitual Marijuana Smoking Not Associated With Increased Risk Of Lung CancerFor more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, at: Full text of the study, "Cannabis smoking and lung cancer risk: Pooled analysis in the International Lung Cancer Consortium," appears in the International Journal of Cancer.
20 June 2014
John Bergman - Home Remedies
..sort of continuing last post, Tetanus, bacteria, vaccines.. (just to clarify what I said on the last post, watch this video..)
John Bergman - Survival, Chem-trails & FirstAid
..some very useful tips ;).. ..How to make Colloidal Silver.. ..hydrogen peroxide.. ..tetanus vaccine it's NOT needed, beside the vaccine TOXICITY, Tetanus does not come from rust it comes from sick farm animals that urinate on something, and it's an anaerobic bacteria that has to be buried on the ground.. ..modern medicines are killing people.. (wikipedia lies, watch out for the disinformation..) (..I used to believe Tetanus vaccine was needed, NOT A SINGLE VACCINE is actually needed, all of them are poison/toxic..)
16 June 2014
12 June 2014
Dr Sofia Smallstorm - Morgellons actually Explained
..a very well informed (dot connector) speaker, Dr Sofia Smallstorm.. listen, research, learn..
Nanobots, Chemtrails & Morgellons
Nanofibers inside You!! Why don't You try the test?? Nanofibras dentro de ti!! Porque não experimentas o teste??
03 June 2014
30 May 2014
Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion
"Bad religion is arrogant, self-righteous, dogmatic and intolerant. And so is bad science. But unlike religious fundamentalists, scientific fundamentalists do not realize that their opinions are based on faith. They think they know the truth." ~ Rupert Sheldrake
26 May 2014
25 May 2014
21 May 2014 the truth..
"Demons from the past can torment You... or set You free.." "..Seek the truth!!.." ~ Sanitarium (PC Game 1998)
19 May 2014
Alex Jones & David Icke - Satanism, Elite Pedophile Rings..
One of the fights, the manipulation by Reptilian/Draco/Demons of most of us if not all and the Pedophile Satanic Scumbag Elites, making them create what we should not forget, the Chemtrails/NanoFibers/BioAPI (also in work), the first in the Ether/Spirit/4th or other dimension and the second in our 3D limited perception of the world.. Here is David Icke talking to Alex Jones from Infowars about the 1st one, for more info on Your BioAPI visit DataAsylum (both links from same site You can start by the "Your BioAPI link")
17 May 2014
Why NOT believing in conspiracies is a sure sign of mental retardation!!
"That's not merely a theory, either: it's a statement or fact." Click click image
14 May 2014
Shadow People (2013)
After The Crazies (2010) and The Box (aka: The Door 2009) .. ..more tips about mind control, propaganda and Our manipulation.. ..BioAPI implemented already.. Shadow People (2013)
..popular propaganda, attached to the brain..
"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach." ~ Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1889-1945) " [iPhone] doesn't attach itself to your brain, but rather attaches itself to your brain." ~ John Hodgman - TED (2012 ..this was a tip..)
13 May 2014
MetropiΔ (2009)
Welcome to MetropiΔ
Synopsis: In the near future, oil reserves are nearly depleted and Europe is connected by series of underground tunnels. While navigating these tunnels, Roger hears voices, one in particular. Seeking.. Director: Tarik Saleh Writers: Fredrik Edin (idea), Fredrik Edin (screenplay) Stars: Vincent Gallo, Juliette Lewis, Udo Kier
11 May 2014
..don't educate..
"Don't educate your child to be rich. Educate him to be happy. So when he grows up, he will know the value of things, not the price." ~ Man Of Honor
09 May 2014
08 May 2014
They Live (1988) (Eles Vivem)
Video Description on Youtube, check the "P.S.", I've uploaded the video file, and as soon it finished uploading a mail notification pop up and what I find? a Copyright claim.. It wasn't even published... and my account will probably be closed soon.. They Live..
Synopsis: A drifter discovers a pair of sunglasses that allow him to wake up to the fact that aliens have taken over the Earth. Director: John Carpenter; Writers: Ray Nelson (short story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning"), John Carpenter (screenplay); Stars: Roddy Piper, Keith David, Meg Foster.. fair use notice: Since I believe the aliens in the Film are the representation of actual aliens/E.Ts and the elite in power, this have an educational purpose only, no commercial use here, uploaded to show people how society really works.. P.S.:They still Live, and I can see that by receiving copyright claim from Universal Pictures (ZEFR) before publishing the video here, limiting the view of this Informative Film to some countries only.
06 May 2014
Unicorn Sky - Chemtrail Conspiracy Film (dot connection made..) connection of chemtrails, mind control, capitalist-o-consumerist world state, and many other.. ..all the dots are too well conected, the Elite don't want this out.. Now, the creator have a facebook contact on kickstarter page for the movie, only the project page is available, the movie have been released and now the facebook page of the author is not available or have been deleted, the facebook page for the movie don't have recent posts, etc.. ..dunno, maybe he said too much and connected too much dots, You decide.. (still is a Film worth watching to understand better how the Elite control us in the "real world")
05 May 2014
..environment is sick..
“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy. They strong people. Maybe their environment is a little sick.” ~ Dave Chappelle
The Censoring of Bill Hicks - Outlaw Comic
banking IS fraud
"Banking doesn't involve fraud, banking IS fraud." ~ Tim Madden, monetary historian & consumer advocate
04 May 2014
David Icke - Mind Control And The New World Order
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." ~ Oscar Wilde
..people are other people..
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." ~ Oscar Wilde
Myths of Mankind - Mahabharata (Ancient History Doc.)
03 May 2014
02 May 2014
The Prototype (new movie trailer)
Can't wait to see the full Movie =xX seems very good, and if the plot goes deeper into Elite/Illuminati/"alien"/E.T..subject it will be another Film to my personal favourite list..
01 May 2014
..small secrets..
"Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." ~ Marshall McLuhan
..we're done for..
"The entire world economy rests on the consumer; if he ever stops spending money he doesn't have on things he doesn't need we're done for." ~ Bill Bonner, author, publisher and columnist on economics and money
Bank Master, You, Willingly Slave..
"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. Thee process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again... Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit." ~ Sir Josiah Stamp Director, Bank of England 1928-1941 (reputed as 2nd richest man in England at the time)
30 April 2014
Money - The New Form of Slavery
"Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simple by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave." ~ Leo Tolstoy
Não ao acordo ortográfico!!
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A ILCao, não é uma Petição, é um Projecto de Lei redigido e submetido a aprovação parlamentar por parte de um grupo de cidadãos, sendo esta a primeira sem qualquer patrocínio ou instituição subjacentes. A ILCao, é a forma directa e apartidária de exprimir a vontade popular à Assembleia da República.
A ILCao está redigida e publicada. Todas as informações estão disponíveis no sítio oficial
Não se resigne, mova-se!
29 April 2014
The Origins & Symbolism of the European Union (interview w/David Icke)
Consuming Kids - The Commercialization of Childhood (sub. Pt-Br)
E agora uma serie de "pontos" unidos num documentário, alguns explícitos outros implícitos, mas todos partem da(s) mesma(s) Elite(s).. ..e de uma ou outra forma estão presentes.. O 'Não quero mas vou' lança "para o ar"(Enlil?!) alguns dos pontos(em Inglês, óbvio..); •Manchurian Candidate Operations; •MKUltra; •Mind Control; •Money as Power; •Sexualization; •fashion mind control; •marketing; •New World Order; •Child Mind Control; •Adult Mind Control; •Stupidification; •Zombification; •Vacination?!; •Chemtrails; •GMO; •Population Control; •HAARP; (a few extra more •..;) •Illuminati; •Bilderberg; •Rothschild; •Rockefeller; Agora é só unir os pontos, e mais alguns que não pertencem a este pftzip, (repteis e tal não é para agora..)..
28 April 2014
27 April 2014
26 April 2014
Os Donos de Portugal
..só uma "pequena" noção de quem são as famílias que controlam Portugal e as "nossas" mentes.. As marionetas da "verdadeira" Elite, versão Portuga..
Os Segredos Da Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs na America, BCE na Europa a controlar o Banco de Portugal por aqui, etc.. Só muda o nome das marionetas da Elite, de resto é tudo igual..
25 April 2014
Why We All Need Jesus Zen Mind (Thank You Jamzen for this dots connection)
A "couple" more dots connection made by the great Jamzen @ Youtube.
Thank You Jamzen for another eye opener ;)
24 April 2014
Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed (Un-Cut)
21 April 2014
Riverside - We Got Used To Us (w/lyrics)
We Got Used To Us When I scroll back through our recent days I try to understand How we could forget We made a promise to one another That nothing would ever break what we had Now we never talk when we fall apart We never talk when we fall apart We pretend we’re ok Surrounding ourselves with one-way friendships And so-called friends I know we got used to new us And I don’t want to be there I don’t want to be there Where we are I know we got used to new life And I don’t want to be there No, I don’t want to be there Where we are Silence fallen between All the doors are locked All the words unsaid And we’re still afraid of time Started to keep ourselves At a distance that we could control Not too close Not too far Now we never talk when we fall apart We just never talk when we fall apart We pretend we’re ok By filling up our inner space With little hates And so-called love I know we got used to new us And I don’t want to be there I don’t want to be there Where we are I know we got used to new life And I don’t want to be there No, I don’t want to be there Where we are So walk away with me
19 April 2014
14 April 2014
13 April 2014
12 April 2014
Wolfsheim - Find You Here & Find You're Gone ..
CKY - Knee Deep
"Knee Deep" Some people don't know Don't know what is wrong So they're knee deep Knee deep in sorrow
Não quero mas vou.. ..levam-me..
..levam-me e deixo-me ir.. ..nunca devia ter confiado em "tais" pessoas, todas falsas sem se darem de conta, todas manipuladas, robotizadas, pré-programadas pela elite, e todas elas só me conseguiram ensinar o mesmo vezes e vezes sem conta..
(Uma energia faz-me vibrar da forma menos natural possível, provavelmente um sinal para me manter alerta, pronto a recuar ou seguir outro caminho antes de me magoar ou magoar mais alguém.. ..Uma voz, que de dentro da cabeça ou talvez outra dimensão grita em sofrimento para que lhe preste atenção.. ..mas não o faço,
opto por ignorar os avisos..)
..voz energética que diz..
" - Não confies na maioria das pessoas, não te abras, não te entregues pois estão todas elas manipuladas e programadas para criar mais dor a quem as rodeia, e nem sequer sabem que o fazem.. ..são apenas mecanismos biológicos pré-formatados para agir segundo a vontade da elite, segundo o ego que lhes foi incutido desde muito antes da nascença, e quando apresentados a estes detalhes, aí sim começam a revelar-se algumas das suas facetas com o cair das mascaras, mascaras essas que escondem outras mascaras criadas para protegerem as primeiras que caíram, as mesmas que foram criadas pela elite que os moldou a serem assim, a seguirem os padrões de "consumo-o-capitalismo", sexo, dinheiro, drogas alteradas para provocarem mais mal do que serem extensores mentais(o seu propósito natural), isto e muito mais, tudo através da caixa mágica ao fundo da sala ou quarto e até mesmo cozinha e "armário de água", caixa essa que abriu portas e janelas para que o marketing e publicidade envenenasse a mente das mesmas..."
" - Se fosse só através da caixa mágica.. ..já sabes que também o fazem uns aos outros.. ..Foram facilmente bem programados.."
..infelizmente uma verdade que preferia não ter presente, pois não tem o menor sentido nesta 'viagem' que experienciamos, ainda que façam parte os altos e baixos para que, com os mesmos seja possível formar carácter, humildade, honra, discernimento nas acções, palavras, no que fazemos os outros sentir e pensar quando cruzamos a sua vida.. ..ainda que sejamos todos um, tudo e nada ao mesmo tempo..
..continua o não sentido em todas as mentiras, falsidades, pensamentos interesseiros, nos joguinhos mentais mesquinhos que fazem essas mesmas pessoas manipuladas, poluídas mental, espiritual, e fisicamente, basta de todo este "entulho"!! Que de nada serve sem ser para nos separar a todos mais um pouco, e criar mágoa, dor, destruição, morte..
..Ainda assim, aqui estou..
..estagnado, perdido..
..não quero deixar de experienciar em vida mas para tal, sinto que preciso de alguém a meu lado com os mesmos objectivos, a mesma visão, que dê algum apoio, ou que pelo menos compreenda e respeite aquando da presença de factos, sejam eles científicos ou meramente sensações, sentimentos e emoções.. ..talvez o mais importante..
..(não interessa..).. suspiro, perdido no tempo, um pouco de mim que se transforma em algo "mau", uma sensação de vazio que é boa e má ao mesmo tempo(bom e mau, feio e bonito, .., são apenas conceitos criados pelo homem..), nada ou tudo passa de meras experiências que temos nesta curta mas intensa viagem ao longo desta pequena parte da vida, e apenas mais uma serie de sensações e sentimentos que de nada servem.. ..servem.. ..existe um propósito para os mesmos, aprender a 'viajar' na vida.. ..aprender a afastar quem não "presta"(dicionário s.f.f...) e a não se render à merda da elite..
..não me vou render alguma vez..
..a elite perdeu queira ou não, conseguiram virar-me de tal forma contra eles que agora, já nada interessa sem ser esperar para os ver cair pelas suas próprias acções..
..será este pequeno excerto da minha mente útil para alguém? Provavelmente não, mas precisei desabafar parte da minha mente, e acerca da derrota da elite (à minha maneira), e de libertar algumas palavras, ainda que possam ficar perdidas no vácuo do vazio, algures no meio de uma infinidade de buracos negros, tendo em conta que somos todos constituídos de mini-buracos negros e os espaços de vazio entre eles..
Depeche Mode ~ "Insight" (lyrics)
DM ~ "The Sweetest Condition" (lyrics)
DM ~ "When The Body Speaks" (lyrics)
DM ~ "The Dead Of Night" (lyrics)
DM ~ "LoveTheme" (instrumental)
DM ~ "Easy Tiger" (instrumental)
DM ~ "Goodnight Lovers" (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ One Second (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Say Just Words (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Lydia (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Mercy (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Soul Courageous (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Another Day (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ The Sufferer (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ This Cold Life (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Blood Of Another (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Disappear (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ Take Me Down (lyrics)
Paradise Lost ~ I Despair (lyrics)
CKY ~ Sink Into The Underground (lyrics)
CKY ~ Escape From Hellview (lyrics)
Lyrics from & Thank You!!
10 April 2014
The Hacker Manifesto
The following was written shortly after my arrest... (+++The Mentor+++) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/ by +++The Mentor+++ Written on January 8, 1986 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids. They're all alike. But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever. They're all alike. I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike. I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me... Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all... Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike... You bet your ass we're all alike... We've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert. This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. +++The Mentor+++Tweet
03 April 2014
13 March 2014
Awakening In The Digital Age - Eckhar Tolle
09 March 2014
08 March 2014
02 March 2014
18 February 2014
14 February 2014
John Bergman - How to Heal with Your Beliefs
01 February 2014
Joe Rogan . Society Trap
17 January 2014
12 January 2014
08 January 2014
Steven Greer . The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program
To Protect And Infect..
07 January 2014
Microchip Obrigatório!!
«Em maio de 2014 entrará em vigor em toda a Europa, a obrigação de apresentar as crianças para instalar o microchip sob a pele, que deve ser aplicado em hospitais públicos no momento do nascimento.O microchip em questão é fornecido, bem como uma folha de dados com informações relativas ao indivíduo, (nome, tipo sanguíneo, data de nascimento, etc) também é um poderoso detector GPS que vai funcionar com uma bateria de micro-substituível a cada 2 anos nos hospitais do estado. O chip de GPS está dentro da nova geração e, por conseguinte, permite uma margem de erro de detecção igual ou inferior a 5 metros.»
Microchip obbligatorio per tutti i neonati da maggio 2014 (0)
Microchip obbligatorio per tutti i neonati da maggio 2014 (1)
06 January 2014
03 January 2014
Para aqueles que julgam a Cannabis sem se informar..
Estudo Canábis também ajuda diabéticos
Cannabis – A Cura De Todas As Doenças?
4 Studies Proving that Marijuana can Treat Brain Cancer
Harvard: Marijuana Doesn’t Cause Schizophrenia
Marijuana Compounds Found To ‘Protect Nervous System’ Against MS
Study Shows Cannabis Compound May Help Treat Spinal Cord Injuries
Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974
Spanish Study Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer Without Side Effects
Como a marijuana devolveu a vida a uma criança
Cannabis sem efeito alucinogénico pode curar cancro
An evaluation of the quality of medicinal grade cannabis in the Netherlands
10 razões para legalizar as drogas
E se o cimento fosse feito a partir de cannabis? - in Diário Económico
Now, scientists have discovered the different health benefits of this plant..
Movimento Verde - Legalização da Marijuana em Portugal
Será a cannabis uma planta perigosa para a sociedade?
Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs Eleven Years Ago And The Results Are Staggering
The Future of Weed: High Country
Acabemos com o tráfico, legalização já!!
02 January 2014
01 January 2014
Earth emergency exits??
Pois é, onde estão as saídas de emergência da Terra? Onde??
Novamente, é favor abrir os olhos e ver o que se passa a volta!! Agradecido..
"funy dance" (só para descontrair um bocado)
The Hacker Manifesto
The following was written shortly after my arrest... (+++The Mentor+++)
\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/
+++The Mentor+++
Written on January 8, 1986
Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.
"Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal",
"Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...
Damn kids. They're all alike.
But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made
him tick,what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?
I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school...
I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...
Damn underachiever. They're all alike.
I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth
time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work.
I did it in my head..."
Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.
I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool.
It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up.
Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...
Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.
And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through
the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is
sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.
"This is it... this is where I belong..."
I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to
them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...
Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...
You bet your ass we're all alike... We've been spoon-fed baby food at school
when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through
were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored
by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils,
but those few are like drops of water in the desert.
This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the
beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying
for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and
you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color,
without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us
and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.
I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.
You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.
+++The Mentor+++