nãoquero kopimi masvou
Não quero mas vou..

..vivemos uma distopia quando poderiamos viver uma utopia e o apocalipse não vai chegar.. ..o alocAPIpse já chegou e é esta distopia que nos forçamos viver.. ..como naquelas alturas.. ..aquelas quando não queremos ir, mas acabamos por nos dar de conta que já lá estamos! Chamemos-lhe contradições possíveis, mas é claro que nada passa de ilusão.. Puft..

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ

The Ultimate (Western) History Lesson..*

*check the videos description on YouTube for links to more information..
You should check → → → this ← ← ← after ↑↑↑ this ↑↑↑..


Watch here ↓↓↓ or It's now a paid service, but if You want to check it, click → here ← to open in new tab/window

WKAJ TV is a 24-hour documentary network dedicated to a surrogate view of
social, political, and economic issues of the past and present. (~330 hours of documentaries, start watching them)

↓↓↓ Pftzips ↓↓↓ Posts ↓↓↓

31 December 2015

..calendário gregoriano..

0 devaneios
2015 → 2016
..a hora chegou, o zombie Apocalipse começou em 2012, estamos no final de 2015,
inicio de 2016 e ninguém se apercebeu, como pode o NQMV.. esperar que alguém perceba
ou se aperceba quando a maioria é zombie.. (..quanto a isso, um grande agradecimento 
aos seguidores do blog, que o fazem de alguma das possíveis maneiras.. ainda vai ser
possível através de telepatia..)..

..os últimos passos para a total implementação da Nova Ordem Mundial foram dados
e é o que se vê de falacioso nas noticias(desliga a |¡!TV!¡|), incentiva a separação,
fome, guerra, entre mais uma serie de problemas que temos na nossa actualidade,
propaganda através da qual a maioria aproveita alguns bocadinhos como conhecimento
válido, real, conclusivo de alguma forma, princípios básicos de estar, ser, viver, 
propaganda dada pelos média, posse da Elite que criou alguns dos mecanismos de controlo
mental e destruição da humanidade..

..uma pequena amostra da insanidade que é a realidade permitida por nós..

→ US Military to Expand Global Operations in 2016Schizophrenia at the UN: 
“The Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda”,
No More Poverty, No More War…The “Dirty Work” of the International Monetary Fund,
Lays the Groundwork for Worldwide Financial ConquestWar, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis in 2015: Ninety-nine Interrelated ConceptsPiropos já são crime e dão prisão até três anosCitizens as Collateral Damage in the Geoengineering War on Planet EarthWhy World War III is on the HorizonFrench government proposes constitutional amendment on state of emergency,
 deprivation of citizenshipTurkey: A Criminal State, a NATO StateHigh Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELL ADS)Maçons, 200 anos da restauração, deploráveis jesuítas..

25 December 2015

Biologist Explains How Marijuana Causes Tumor Cells to Commit Suicide

0 devaneios

Dr. Christina Sanchez from Cannabis Planet on Vimeo.

Dr. Christina Sanchez is a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid Spain,
her research led to the findings that THC does indeed kill cancer cells!
She sat down with us to explain her work...

..featured at www.ALLABOUThealthyfood.com,
source: www.NaturalNews.com..

18 December 2015

Maçons, 200 anos da restauração, deploráveis jesuítas..

0 devaneios
Quem não viu anteriormente pode ver agora,
uma pequena introdução às sociedade secretas 
que operam em Portugal, e em todo o mundo..
Aprofundando um pouco com a propaganda Jesuíta
a revelação dos podres daqueles que controlam
nas sombras,por detrás de panos e cortinas todo
o país, o mundo..

← - Roteiro maçónico de Lisboa → - Os 200 anos da Restauração da Companhia de Jesus ↓ - Confidencial católica - Revelação de Segredos Deploráveis dos jesuítas!

10 December 2015

OSS/CIA - Simple Sabotage Field Manual

0 devaneios
CIA - Simple Sabotage Field Manual

To download/save file just right-click on the link above ↑ select save link as..

chose the destination and click ok/save..

09 December 2015

o NQMV.. continua por enquanto..

0 devaneios
O NQMV.. está farto dos rastos químicos largados na atmosfera que nos rodeia,
a fluoridação da água, a zombificação de tudo e todos(T.V., Propaganda, compra, consome,
compra, consome, obedece, compra, obedece, abdica da humanidade, obedece..),
a destruição da família, espiritualidade,o envenenamento da alimentação, morais e
princípios tanto de vida como de existência, a juventude está hiper-sexualizada,
os adultos aceitam-no como moral aceitável e ainda corroboram com a mesma,
quem deveria servir de tutor para alem dos pais, professores, nem sequer têm ideia
do quanto profunda vai a toca do coelho, a mesma que nos impingem a todos e seguimos
através do "livre arbítrio", sem perceber que nós próprios estamos a criar em mente,
cada um o seu "programa" (a BioAPI a funcionar em pleno), tal qual um computador e daí
a real "Matrix" de controlo que nos detém reféns, a prisão imaginária que recusamos ser
existente e dominar predominantemente a nossa vida, com isso a Elite "ganha"
provisoriamente (pois perdeu no momento em que iniciou o seu caminho contra todos nós,
caminha assim contra a natureza do/a Criador/a..), ainda assim menosprezamos aquela que é
a única capacidade que temos real ou significante para a nossa existência enquanto humanos,
a capacidade de mudar conscientemente, e com isso ajudar o mundo a mudar, uma ou duas, cem,
mil pessoas, até a inteira humanidade/civilização se assim decidirmos e, de facto for 
o caminho a seguir..

Podemos todos mudar por muito pouco que seja, mas apenas é real e tem algum tipo de valor
se o mesmo for atingido com dedicação, no presente, em plena atenção e no estado consciente,
ou de consciência, e partindo daí construir a partir de acções que tomamos na nossa vida,
ao construir a nossa vida em si, de tal forma dando exemplos que outros podem seguir(ou não),
nada do que se verifica na maioria das sociedades actuais, aquelas onde habitamos, cidades,
supostamente "civilizadas", altamente tecnológicas, a pura tecnocracia em pleno, tudo apenas
porque não vemos mal criado com a vida que optamos seguir e defendemos ser a única possível..

O NQMV.. continuará por enquanto a existir aqui, na Internet, a rede mundial
de controlo que é nada mais nada menos que uma espécie de evolução da TeleVisão,
enquanto o controlo da Nova Ordem Mundial ainda permitir, pois de outra forma,
apenas resta parar..

Por mais que o NQMV.. gostasse de querer o melhor para tudo e todos, apenas pode
verdadeiramente desejar, ou realmente querer que cada um encontre o seu caminho,
quer como individuo aqui no 3D quer no caminho espiritual de reencontro com o
próprio ser, o todo do qual fazemos parte..

..seremos do outro lado..


27 November 2015

The Gnostic Origins of Christianity

0 devaneios
Lets make a few points clear before even trying to talk about Christianity ;)

Exploring the Pagan origin of modern day Christianity.
From the Discovery Civilisation series called Myths of Mankind.

15 November 2015

Imposed Stupefaction, Morality TV (MTV) and the Gypsy Option

0 devaneios

09 November 2015

05 November 2015

02 November 2015

You Are Being Lied To! Wake The Fuck Up!

0 devaneios

24 October 2015

Freemason Symbols in Movies Decoded with Robert Sullivan

0 devaneios

..gøt predictive programming?¿.. ..all NQMV "friends" have!¡..

0 devaneios

Since NãoQueroMasVou party people, friends and such have lots of predictive programming in their lazy heads, and even worked to demotivate me of speaking the truth, NQMV makes the effort of at least showing the links and maybe someone with friends and/or resources, might get something more done, instead of .. ..continuing to carve the perfect ball earth lie, the acceptance for a climate change experience (Geo-Engeenering, Chemtrails, BioAPI.. more mind kontrol..).. ..1st in Europe → Infrastructure - TEN-T - Connecting Europe The work plans of the 11 European Coordinators for the TEN-T have been finalised, establishing the basis for action until 2030

↓ then in the rest of the world ↓


→ Idea.. ↓ (click)

16 October 2015

There are no Jews in this World!!

0 devaneios

15 October 2015

O Terceiro Segredo de Fátima || The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd Edition)

0 devaneios
O Terceiro Segredo de Fátima
 The Third Secret of Fatima

01 October 2015

Dr. Hans Utter - Music, Mind Control, and Psychobiology (updated again; 7 part + 3 videos)

0 devaneios
(NQMV.. update, the playlist have 3 extra videos and the same 7 part video in title)

10 September 2015

Subir Subir, Voar Voar!! Elite Vai Cí Ferráa..ahaha!!

0 devaneios

Lições de vida, para serem aplicadas no dia-a-dia..


24 August 2015

O Triunfo do Marxismo Cultural Olavo de Carvalho, Cliff Kincaid e Jerry Kenney && Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs (2000 AD)

0 devaneios
O Triunfo do Marxismo Cultural - Olavo de Carvalho, Cliff Kincaid e Jerry Kenney
The Triumph of Cultural Marxism - Olavo de Carvalho, Cliff Kincaid e Jerry Kenney

Audio: English
Subs: Pt-Br


Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs (2000 AD)

06 August 2015

Globalismo e Socialismo Fabiano por Olavo de Carvalho + Fabian Society / Sociedade Fabiana && The Great Work

0 devaneios

Globalismo e Socialismo Fabiano por Olavo de Carvalho (Muito bom video sobre quem é a Elite, aqueles que criaram a Nova Ordem Mundial que vivemos.. Valeu Olavo de Carvalho)

The Fabian Society - All about the Fabian Conspiracy against humanity! (click here ↓)

Marxismo Cultural - A subversão ideológica da civilização Ocidental. (clique aqui ↓)


The Great Work

(a must watch..)

0 - The Science of the Secret

1 - The Material Plane

2 - The Mental Plane

3 - The Emotional Plane

4 - The Plane of Will

5 - The Quintessence

04 August 2015

ZAP aeiou · Censura o que não lhe convém.. (e, ainda +) [update: real life is real]

0 devaneios
ZAP aeiou censura tudo o que não lhe convém, nem acredito que os comentários 
nas noticias ZAP sejam de utilizadores/público "não-pago" ou sem associação ao ZAP,
aeiou ou a agenda que propaga..

(Agência Lusa, maquina de propaganda Nacional, não tendo em conta os 4 canais nacionais
e a TV por subscrição..)

..já não existe jornalismo..
..agora só agendas a ser cumpridas, a criação da Nova Ordem Mundial..

Nova Ordem Mundial · 666 · Os Escravos Servirão
(..click ↑ para ver maior..)

Em seguida o link para a noticia ZAP, e abaixo uma cópia de mais um comentário censurado,
tal como qualquer comentário que coloque em sites que tenham como fonte a Agência Lusa..

Propaganda ZAP.aeiou · Adoçantes artificiais podem ser melhores que açúcar

↓ Comentário ↓

Como costume neste canto do mundo, um dos centros da maçonaria, é normalíssimo ler as "notícias" e ver que não passam da propaganda oferecida pela agência Lusa (meia dúzia a decidir o que sai nas noticias nacionais)

que como também não poderia deixar de ser, segue a propaganda Americana (controlada por outra meia dúzia de indivíduos que tal como os da Agência Lusa têm uma agenda pessoal na qual só visam os interesses pessoais dos mesmos e em parte o extermínio de 90% da população mundial)

Ora vejamos o que provam de facto os estudos não financiados ou provenientes de quem tem interesse em manter químicos nocivos na comida, tóxicos que até estupidificam as pessoas, mas isso "cruz credo!!" nem se pode pensar..

As conclusões/achados podem ser confirmados no seguinte link com os respectivos estudos, que já desde à muito provam o aspartamo ser extremamente nocivo, e parte no plano de controlo mental..

( http://aspartame.mercola.com/sites/aspartame/studies.aspx )

1970 - Irreversible degenerative changes and acute neuronal necrosis
2008 - Excessive aspartame ingestion might cause certain mental disorders, as well as compromised learning and emotional functioning
2007 - Carcinogenicity proven a second time; with effects increased when exposure to aspartame begins during fetal life.
2000 - Found that aspartate shortens the memory response, impairs memory retention and damages hypothalamic neurons in mice
2002 - Shows that aspartate has a role in causing mental retardation, but the mechanism by which it does that is still unknown.

E temos aqui a relação entre resultados e a origem dos fundos sob estudos acerca do aspartamo..

( http://www.worldstar.com/~trufax/online/aspartame.html )

Não me venham agora com propagandas que o aspartamo é saudável pois existem demasiadas provas de que é extremamente nocivo, é FACTO, nem querendo entrar no desequilíbrio entre Físico, Mente e Espírito, provocado através da calcificação da glândula pineal com o dito aspartamo, em conjunto com flúor e outros, adicionados nas ETAR, as mesmas onde despejam Benzeno para ajudar a "tratar" a água, Benzeno que é altamente cancerígena e tal como o aspartamo, não é sob qualquer justificação falaciosa aceitável para consumo..

Se calhar o problema da agência Lusa é este..

María Teresa Prata Macias Marques
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer , Lusa Agencia de Noticias de Portugal, S.A.
Ms. María Teresa Prata Macias Marques serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer at Lusa Agencia de Noticias de Portugal, S.A. since January 19, 2015. Ms. Prata Macias Marques was the Chief Human Resources Officer at EPAL in 2002. She served as Chief Human Resources Officer at Roche Farmacêutica Portugal from 1996 to 2001. From 1990 to 1992, Ms. Prata Macias Marques was Vice-Chairman of Human Resources and Public Relations at Citibank Portugal. She also served as Chief Human Resources Officer at Dun&Bradstreet Information Services till 1990. She is Member of the Advisory Board of Faculdade de Ciências Humanas of Universidade Católica. Ms. Prata Macias Marques has served as Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee at CADin (Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Infantil) from 2003 till 2007. She was Member of the Board of Directors of RTP from 2008 to 2011 and Member of the Executive Committee of the European Broadcasting Union in 2011. Ms. Prata Macias Marques was an Independent Advisor of the Management Team at Genzyme. She has a Degree in Human Resources and Labor Psychology from Escola Superior de Organização Científica do Trabalho (ISLA-ESOCT) and a Post-Graduate degree in European Union Law from Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa.

..notícias, EPAL(águas..ETAR ;)..), Roche Farmacêutica, Citibank, Dun&Bradstreet Information Services, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica, CADin (é de pequenino que se f*** o cérebro e a mente para chegar ao físico..), RTP, Genzyme que, na Europa em Portugal se especializou na Farmacêutica e na América em Biotecnologia..

Mais BioAPI (Interfaces de Acesso à Programação Biológica) para manipular e controlar as mentes e o físico desta "gentalha" toda que somos nós aos olhos destas Elites, nem isso, tratam-nos como os não-vivos..
Porque até os mortos merecem respeito..

E como o ZAP tem tendência a censurar a verdade, provavelmente tem alguma ligação à agência Lusa ou a outro ponto de controlo da Elite..
Copy Paste do comentário para o blog Não quero mas vou.. em conjunto com a referencia da noticia.. Se pegar aqui pegou, senão fica no blog..
Pode ser que as pessoas abram os olhos à verdade e depois de limparem o cérebro e mente consigam perceber que já está mais do que na hora de mudar, ainda que dê trabalho mudar a rotina e sair da falaciosa zona de conforto, mudar as rotinas, parar de vez com as mesmas, dinheiro? trabalho? governo? leis do homem? .. está tudo louco..

Passam a vida a trabalhar por dinheiro, para a vida que querem
E quando chegam ao fim da vida reparam que perderam,
demasiado tempo a fazer algo inútil, viveram o trabalho e sonharam com a vida ao invés de simplesmente, viver..

(este parênteses foi acrescentado só para deixar a fonte da informação sobre María Teresa Prata Macias Marques
Company Overview of Lusa Agencia de Noticias de Portugal, S.A. - Bloomberg)

ainda +

Mas o que é isto?¿ Estou Eu numa realidade alternativa, e serei o único a denotar algo demasiado estranho?¿

Propaganda ZAP.aeiou · O “português gay e careca” é novo presidente do maior banco da Europa

..ainda há mais, isto consegue ultrapassar qualquer limite da sanidade mental..
..com estas e outras se percebe a agenda empurrada pelo ZAP.aeiou, Agência Lusa..

Propaganda ZAP.aeiou · Bruno Maçães discute economia do país no Twitter com ex-assessor de Durão

real life is real

Será que o ZAP.aeiou se livrou da censura?

Nesta noticia mais recente não fui censurado e espero que isto seja o sinal de que,
vão começar a sair da casca os verdadeiros jornalistas, sem medo e pudor,
a estudar a verdade e relatar a mesma sem ceder à propaganda elitista da Elite..
Zap debaixo de olho mas com mais um pontinho, um dos poucos nacionais que ainda sigo ;)

24 July 2015

Solution?¿ Say NO!¡ Carnism; Conscience; The Law of Correspondence..

0 devaneios

All material from www.whatonearthishappening.com You can click here or on the banner over there → ↑

images from WOEIH Show #123

22 July 2015

The Revolution is Here by John Bergman (update: part 2)

0 devaneios


part 2

Scientists Say Cannabis Can Help Heal Broken Bones

0 devaneios

Click image ↑ or ↓ link..

Scientists Say Cannabis Can Help Heal Broken Bones

13 July 2015

WikiLeaks - The Hackingteam Archives PJ Pt

0 devaneios
Today, 8 July 2015, WikiLeaks releases more than 1 million searchable emails
from the Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team, which first came
under international scrutiny after WikiLeaks publication of the SpyFiles.
These internal emails show the inner workings of the controversial global surveillance industry.

Re: [PJ CCU - Portugal] Remote IP Interc solution | request info, details, schedule, visit, etc..

11 July 2015

Natural Law and Natural Rights & Non-Monetary Civilization

0 devaneios
Natural Law and Natural Rights
at Jim.com

↑click here↑

There ain't a person on this planet that has jurisdiction over my natural rights...and adding the title 'bankster' or 'government' doesn't change anything!!

Learn about Natural Law and other mind blowing topics
to free Yourself from the Elite lies and mind control..

..at Mark Passio's site What On Earth Is Happening
(suggestion, go to tab podcast, last page, and listen to all shows
from WOEIH Show #001 to the more recent one, without skipping..
study every topic, question everything, return to the present moment, and live, They Live..)

Click the banner to the right What On Earth Is Happening →
  or the mini banner here ↑

Non-Monetary Civilization
How We Can Evolve the Obsolescence of Money
by James Jaeger

30 June 2015

Nazi's and Fascists - Founders of the EU || Roteiro Maçon de Lisboa

0 devaneios

Nazi's and Fascists - Founders of the EU

Roteiro Maçon de Lisboa

24 June 2015

Autistic Boy Gains Ability to Speak After Just 2 Days of Cannabis Oil Treatment | True Activist

0 devaneios
Autistic Boy Gains Ability to Speak After Just 2 Days of Cannabis Oil Treatment | True Activist
↑ click ↑ here ↑

"Kalel’s story is yet another piece of evidence piling onto the mountain of support for cannabis oil and full marijuana legalization. Please share this with as many people as possible."

19 June 2015

Dieta de frutas e legumes (e algumas drogas) aumenta a fertilidade

0 devaneios
"Uma das mais surpreendentes correlações identificadas pela equipa do
professor Salonia parece apontar para uma relação entre a fertilidade
e o uso de drogas recreativas, definidas no estudo como marijuana,
cocaína e LSD."

Dieta de frutas e legumes (e algumas drogas)
aumenta a fertilidade × ZAP
↑↑↑ Clique aqui ↑↑↑

07 June 2015

Censurados - Ateu

0 devaneios

Católicos e Budistas Judeus e Maomés São todos uns egoístas Querem que sejas o que não és Religiões por todo lado só nos querem enganar Eu prefiro ser ateu do que andar para ai a rezar Guerras religiosas Neste mundo sem acabar Não é preciso mais provas As religiões só querem lucrar Enquanto todos vamos para o fundo Fazem palestras para nos iludir Fazem missões por todo mundo As religiões só nos querem mentir Guerras religiosas Não é preciso mais provas Qual é a tua oh meu? Prefiro ser ateu

04 June 2015

List of Bilderberg Attendees || José Medeiros Ferreira || The Portuguese Christopher Columbus!!

1 devaneios

List of Bilderberg Attendees

José Medeiros Ferreira, an undisputable reference in European Studies in Portugal by Alice Cunha

The Portuguese Christopher Columbus!!

"The Italian Genoese "Christopher Columbus" is just a 500 year old MYTH created by the Vatican to take the place of the real Genoese Discoverer of the New World – John Cabot!!" "Columbus the son of a wool-comber!!" "The 2 greatest fake discoverers in the entire history of the world came from the Vatican created country of Portugal!!"

03 June 2015

The Safety and Benefits of Cannabis are Widely Supported by Research

0 devaneios
The Safety and Benefits of Cannabis are Widely Supported by Research - Waking Times

You'll Be Shocked at How Little Your Genetics Affects Your Health.. || Diabolic - Truth Part 2

0 devaneios

[Intro: General Zod - Superman II ] Yes, today begins a new order. Your lands, your possessions, Your very lives will be gladly given in tribute to me. In return for your obedience, you will enjoy my generous protection. In other words, you will be allowed to live. [Verse 1] Yo, Freedoms been overthrown by Skull and Bones scroll and key, Lunatics, upside down crucifix on their rosary, It's the home of the brave, land of the supposed free, And Trilateral Commission expeditions overseas, Opposing me's a socially accepted secret known to me, The Jason Group mistakes the truth as its golden fleece, Am I supposed to believe masons who have a mixture, Of Satan and Catholic scripture, traded some gas to Hitler? Should I believe when your forefather's Jack the Ripper? And you worship statues in the forest to practise Wicca, I seen it unfold, summer season, reading a scroll, Translating masons speakin' in code at Bohemian Grove, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands left some evidence, And the Bilderberg chose our presidents ever since, Veteran Illuminati invaded the Scottish Rite, Denounced god and Christ, worshipped man, and forgot the light, So I got to fight, coz' I don't care how it sounds, The CIA planted C4 to bring the towers down, Planes hit, a weapon's born trackin' us with Echelon, When a video exists of a missile hitting the pentagon, What a masterpiece, the past repeats, it's never gone, In daddy's footsteps junior re-enacts Desert Storm, Like let's get it on, act righteous, cause a fast crisis, Double gas prices and blame the fact we tax-hyped it, But observing optics can see through a vermin's logic, To just turn a profit and fatten Halliburton's pockets, Making Satan's fire lakes out a higher place, So this time I break, there's only so much I can take. [Hook x2] Here's the truth, we the people have been seeing your attempts, And realized we the ones you declared war against, Here's the truth, I refuse to have you controlling me, With my faith in a bunch of snakes I just don't believe, [Verse 2] The holy Roman crown is sacred and it seems the House of David, Left Black Nobility and Jesus somehow related, Black don't refer to the colour of these cowards faces, Their powder pasted skin makes them the proudest racists, Illuminated lineage on lonely chromosomes, Known for seeking the return of the holy Roman throne, Committee of 300 call the shots close to home, Tappin' in your mobile phones, matchin' up your vocal tones, It's your darkest belief, started with Harvard's elite, And Yale's fraternal orders marketing the mark of the beast, Deceiving as a demon playing the part of a priest, Habsburg's causing famine while we starve in the streets, Old School psychology basing fate on numerology, The newest colony and Lucifer's future prophecy In aristocracy with souls in the devils hands, And architecture plans, city streets designed as pentagrams, Hidden cams on every inch of this blessed land, A Verichip GPS attached to your genetic strands, But I'll be damned if I allow some coward to drown me, In the powers he proudly learned from Aleister Crowley, Coz' outta' my county on the turnpike, word life, There's Nazi propaganda promoting Bush's Third Reich, Turn right at the left wing and find these coke leaders, Then expose FEMA before you take The Fall like colt severs, No Geneva Convention peace treaty will be safe, When the elite make a one world government police state, I know y'all relate and even I hope I'm wrong, But I know I'm not, coz' I know what the fuck is going on. [Hook x2]

01 June 2015

Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told

0 devaneios

See who is still in control today..

29 May 2015

A Mind Soup (by Cy)

0 devaneios

A Mind Soup (by Cy) A soup to ease the mind cause I'm frying inside as a prophet aside, is this the one road to salvation of the world nation? Inspiration in smoke so lets go skip rope, blue turn yellow they already know our colour! As ioda once said, yellow turn if Elite follows.. And to finish in grace I can only say, I'm in space!!

23 May 2015

Walid El Sayed - Sou da geração do basta

0 devaneios
Mais palavras para quê? Vou deixar "o vídeo" falar por si..

19 May 2015

Dark Journalist & Dr. Richard Alan Miller - GMO Mind Control & NANOTECHNOLOGY

0 devaneios

.."aliens" are part of the Manchurian/MKUltra programing(Bluebeam, BlueBird..) it's used to covert the total control over us they are achieving.. Everything else seems quite accurate from my perspective, making it another worthwhile watching interview/piece of information

16 May 2015

The Genetic and Chemical Diversity of Cannabis

0 devaneios

Mais um pouco de cultura para quem julga sem se informar/aprender/cultivar primeiro..

Featured at Waking Times

12 May 2015

Mark Passio's Seminars - Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction & What On Earth Is Happening (a must see/learn!!)

0 devaneios

Natural Law..
1 of 3 (morning)

Natural Law..
2 of 3 (afternoon)

Natural Law..
3 of 3 (evening)


What On Earth Is Happening


Join these two seminars and the Ultimate History Lesson by John Taylor Gatto and the Elite have a problem if people wake up/gain consciousness for the presented reality.. I will continue informing as much people as possible, if You decide to understand do Your part too..

Go Go Doraemon!!

Doraemon el gato cósmico

05 May 2015

Sociedade Civil (IX) - Legalização das drogas leves (04 Mar, 2015) Ep.#249

0 devaneios

^^^ Clique aqui ^^^

How Yeshua was MK'd into your brain as Jesus.. & Does Baal Gad Equal The Lord God of Christianity? (update) False Christ Image Idolatry..

0 devaneios
How Yeshua was MK'd into your brain as Jesus??
▾▾▾ click the question mark bellow ▾▾▾

Does Baal Gad Equal The Lord God of Christianity?? ▾▾▾ again if You want to know click the image bellow ▾▾▾

(update) False Image of Christ Idolatry ▾▾▾ click click ▾▾▾

30 April 2015

Myron C. Fagan - The Illuminati and the CFR (1967) [Council of Foreign Relations]

0 devaneios

Myron C. Fagan Biography (1887-1972)
Bio Page from:
The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

28 April 2015


0 devaneios

26 April 2015

Thanks to The 12 Blue Ones!.. Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary (<=more links?!..) & Extra....

0 devaneios
• Clinical Studies and Case Reports• 60 Peer-Reviewed Studies on Medical Marijuana
Medical Studies Involving Cannabis and Cannabis Extracts (1990 - 2014)• Open Source Cannabis Research A to Z - Cannabis Research Completed
• Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary 

Extra! extra!! Want to see THC kill cancer cells while leaving healthy ones alone? here You go..

Video Description: Published on 24 Jul 2012 Watch as the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, kills cancer cells. Since 1974 studies have shown that cannabis has anti-tumor effects. The results of the 1974 study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that cannabis's component, THC,"slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent." In 1975 an article in the Journal of the National cancer institute titled "Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids," they reported that "Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD). Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBD had reduced primary tumor size." In 1998, a research team at Madrid's Complutense University Led by Dr. Manuel Guzman discovered that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. They reported in the March 2002 issue of "Nature Medicine" they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. And in 2007 even Harvard Researchers found that compounds in cannabis cut the growth of lung cancer. There is also an organization called The SETH Group that showed compounds in cannabis can stop the growth of human glioblastoma multiforma (GBM) brain cancer cells. The SETH Group says "No chemotherapy can match this nontoxic anti-cancer action." Even last year in 2012 a pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco found THC stops metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer. - See more at: http://www.cureyourowncancer.org/linc...

23 April 2015

Ex-Cops & Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time

0 devaneios
I used it for medical purposes, 
now I'm again in excruciating pain, sometimes not even being able
to get the f*** up from the bed thanks to prohibition, courts..
And after this videos, WTF!?
Stop the prohibition!!
Fully legalize it!!

one word

*most kick-ass cops ever!

*Ohww, I imagine my mom just trying, it would be life changing..

22 April 2015

Brotherhood of Darkness with Dr. Stan Montieth

0 devaneios

Good explanation of the Elites mind behind everything!!

21 April 2015

Math Boylan . This Crazy Notion - The Flat Earth Revolution

0 devaneios
This Crazy Notion - The Flat Earth Revolution

Part 1

Part 2
I would definitely love to go in the expedition..
This is a fake society, 
money, system, 
the invisible prisons they force us, 
fake astronauts, 
fake moon and space trips..
the elite..

16 April 2015

[El = dx / Dg] ; Elite Nobita (um monte de cócó!!)

0 devaneios

El = Elite
dx = doces em excesso
dg = Digestão

façam as contas x_D

O problema da Elite é que julgam sermos todos acéfalos como eles,
Virarem amigos, familiares, a população no geral uns contra os outros?
"Dividir e Conquistar"? hãn?

São espertos, são, como o excremento que defeco quando como doces em excesso, laranja
viscoso e mal cheiroso, o mesmo que só depois de se decompor pode voltar à Terra e
servir de alimento..

Pensam que controlam o físico a acreditar que o espírito está domado para os vossos fins
sombrios, enganam-se, perderam a guerra quando subestimaram os Deuses, espíritos, energias.. 

São noBITas e não há gato cósmico que os salve!! (Há há há.. mira mira las flores..)


Federal Government Unwittingly Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer

0 devaneios
Já que o Ministério Público gozou quando afirmei que a CANABIS CURA O CANCRO!..

» Federal Government Unwittingly Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer «

"Potential Side Effects of Medical Cannabis
According to Dr. Gedde, the main side effect you need to watch out for
is the psychoactivity of THC, i.e. its ability to make you “high.”
However, she also stresses that THC actually has many valuable medical benefits,
so depending on your problem, you may want higher or lower levels of THC.
For example, in patients who suffer with severe pain, where the perception of pain causes
great distress, the psychoactivity of THC allows the patient to shift their perception of
the pain in their mind and body."

» Cannabis for treatment of epilepsy and more - Waking Times (acabado de adicionar) «

» The Science of Cannabis as a Cancer Cure <- Need I "say" more?? «

» Study Finds Cannabis Increases Your IQ (..lembrete para M.P. e Infarmed..)<= more links?! «

» How Cannabis oil Kills Cancer .. «
Good Plant • Bad Law • Free the Weed!!

A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto - The Ultimate History Lesson (Intro+Hours 1 to 5-full)

0 devaneios
Definitely a must see!! ;) • • connect the •s

It will be featured on the blog(done!) Don't forget to click the image below, check it out ;) Like it and wanna share?? click here

15 April 2015

How Our Brains Twist Time - 'The Deceptive Watchman'

0 devaneios

World Science Festival - The Deceptive Watchman: Mind, Brain And Time

Secrets of the Third Reich - The Rediscovery of Vimanas & Quantum Physics And How We Affect Reality

0 devaneios

• connect the dots •

Paul Christopher - Demonic UFO's Presented @ The Prophecy Club (June 2000)

0 devaneios

Rmembered to NãoQueroMasVou.. by TwelveBlueMonks (the great 12 blue Ones!!) Link to TwelveBlueMonks as a banner here on the side ---> like this one but smaller xP TwelveBlueMonks

07 April 2015

Marijuana may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say . @ The Washington Post

0 devaneios

Marijuana may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say - The Washington Post

Mass Demonic Possession/Zombie Apocalypse . ConCERNing End Time Signs & Events (2015)

0 devaneios
..and on and on and on..

..as a "bONUs", YoU deSERVE!!..

Formidable End Time Signs & Events 2015 . The Coming Apocalypse

0 devaneios
It's flat, still, the present/current so called humanity deserves the coming,
preventable(Yes!YOU CAN PREVENT IT..), 

05 April 2015

down the rabbit hole ..

0 devaneios
Click the title in video to watch video on YouTube and read/watch description

with background music

without background music

03 April 2015

Prof.Dr. E.A.Carlini - Cannabis Sativa, medicamento que renasce (2012)

0 devaneios
E porque o MP pode querer dar a desculpa que não percebe Inglês,
em Português do Brasil ;) ae!!

O Sistema Canabinoide Naturalmente no Humano

30 March 2015

Scientific Research and Real Facts about the Cannabinoids in Cannabis

0 devaneios
Querem julgar-me por cultivar uma planta, um pouco da natureza,
quando existe toda a informação factual que comprova o oposto do que dizem..

Eu só quero poder ser funcional com os meus filhos, poder brincar com eles sem
dores na coluna inteira, e ter de ficar sentado ou deitado por não aguentar mais,
quero as minhas ideias num estado mental tranquilo, de paz, para poder como humano
tomar as melhores decisões para mim e para com os outros..
Poder sair à vontade com os meus amigos e não estar limitado pelas dores..

Novamente mais e mais provas de que até temos receptores no cérebro,
fígado, todo os sistema digestivo, desenvolvemos naturalmente receptores de THC, CBD,..
(o que será que indica o facto de produzirmos RECEPTORES de cannabis naturalmente?)

28 March 2015

20 March 2015

Mark Sargent - An introductory guide to the Flat Earth movement

0 devaneios
Press Play All and..
..remember to visit the Youtube page and read the video description for links ;)

Math Boylan - Talking About His Mental State Supremacy Over the State

0 devaneios
Ex NASA undercover graphics director and artist in charge of all space visuals for the agency,
Math Boylan the artist in his personal studios and visual laboratory creating a tribute work for 9/11
while talking about his mental state supremacy over the state.

And also this ;D -> the earth is sooo flat .WAKE UP!

19 March 2015

18 March 2015

John Bergman - Measles, Vaccines, Antibodies and Big Pharma Money

0 devaneios

Jeffrey Tambor - The N.W.O. and The Trilateral Commission (on Barney Miller, 1981)

0 devaneios
Jeffrey Tambor explains the N.W.O. and the Trilateral Commission on Barney Miller in 1981

La Historia de la Disnastía Rothschild ("Completo" en Español)

0 devaneios
As duas partes finais não chegaram a sair porque o autor dos vídeos, Luis Ravizza,
faleceu segundo o que foi possível apurar, de ataque cardíaco.. =/
Blog de Luis Ravizza

1º Anticristo - Príncipe William . linaje Merovingio

0 devaneios

16 March 2015

Beppe Grillo - Our Money Is A Joke

0 devaneios

13 March 2015

10 March 2015

Mark Corske's - Engines of Domination

0 devaneios

03 March 2015

Dr. Devra Davis - Cell Phone Dangers (@ NIEHS)

0 devaneios
Dr. Devra Davis @ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

24 February 2015

The Flat Earth Conspiracy (Documentary) && ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!

0 devaneios
..as I was saying, They want us to believe in.. 
Bluebeam and MK to keep You under Kontrol!!..


ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!

due to disabled embedding You'll have to watch at You tube, just click the dot .


14 February 2015

The True History and Purpose of NASA

0 devaneios

03 February 2015

Save the Silly Humans - Community Round Table - Ep#2

0 devaneios

Streamed live on 17 Jan 2015 We had one of those shows you couldn't write. CEO and founder of ZeeklyTV.com is our special guest. ZeeklyTV was being being bombarded with DDoS attacks. We track down those responsible and deal with the situation in realtime. Great Panel of guests including, Jeffrey Sisk, Tom Lacovara, Bruce Flett, MattyD 4truth, Fleabite2000, Chad Lily, Christopher Telford, TheJoker, Tayrha Bascombe, James Bond, Laurie Rieman, Tony Snodgrass, oh that little prick running around on twitter, and of course your Hosts, EventSkeptic RJ and myself Robert J. Morris. ------------------Links mentioned in show------------------ ------------Save Humanity/Silly Humans------------ Save Humanity Main Website Save the Silly Humans with Love and Intellect - Community Page Save Humanity Facebook Page -----Bill C-13 (Canadian Anti-Bullying Bill)----- -----CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act)------- -----FIght For The Future (FFTF) Net Neutrality freedom fighters, and SIGN THE PETITION!---- -------Tom Lacovara------- Tom Lacovara's Radio show Tom's Google+ page -------Chad Lilly-------- Chad Lily's Soundcloud patent mentioned by chad lilly

Já na Pré-História se consumiam cogumelos mágicos e ópio

0 devaneios
Já na Pré-História se consumiam cogumelos mágicos e ópio - ZAP

..já que na imagem da noticia está cannabis..

«Para aqueles que..» <= more links?!

27 January 2015

Antichrist Zionists runs #NWO

1 devaneios

19 January 2015

Here I Am

0 devaneios
Não existem sentido neste tipo de situações ainda acontecerem,
não com toda a suposta evolução..

18 January 2015

Life - Thich Nhat Hanh (quote)

0 devaneios
We can smile, breathe, walk, and eat our meals in a way that allows us to be in touch
with the abundance of happiness that is available.
We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living.
We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma and we are willing to work very hard to
get a job, a car, a house, and so on.
But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment,
the only moment there is for us to be alive.
THICH NHAT HANH, Peace is Every Step

The 48 Most Essential Healing Herbs

0 devaneios
Click here -> The 48 Most Essential Healing Herbs

or check the article author site here -> www.WakingTimes.com

14 January 2015

Save the Silly Humans - Community Round Table - Ep#1

0 devaneios

Streamed live on 10 Jan 2015 Our first Community Round Table went fairly well for a first run. I'd like to thank my honoured guests: Izzie Thizzlyn, Ben Time Traveller, Audio Activist, eventskeptic Rj, and Garbage Media for coming out and really providing some great banter, awesome information and a well rounded range of topics. I will re-listen to the whole podcast and source/provide links to most of what was discussed here, so come back and do some follow up research! The Next show will be announced in a couple of days. Be sure to subscribe, and join the Save the Silly Humans Community. as well as the Save Humanity Website. If you want to be a guest speaker, email me direct at rob.morris74@gmail.com . Also support the other truther communities such as HOAX CENTRAL, The Grand Plan, among others. Links below: Save Humanity Website: http://savehumanity.epgn.net/ (registration required, but I ask for no personal information) Save the Silly Humans with Love and Intellect - Community Page Save Humanity Facebook Page HOAX CENTRAL Community The Grand Plan Community Peace! and see ya next time! -RJM

08 January 2015

How Cannabis oil Kills Cancer

0 devaneios

See more at: cureyourowncancer.org

E só porque isto tem de estar tudo interligado..

Study finds cannabis increases Your IQ.. <= more links?!

02 January 2015

Pilots, Doctors, and Scientists testify on Chemtrails

0 devaneios
Não há rastos químicos no ar?? Geo-engenharia?? 
Então estão aqui testemunhos com fartura, Nobitas!!
Eu cultivava cannabis para alimentação e tratamento de
dores crónicas na coluna como para o meu bem estar mental
devido a uma perturbação de personalidade que é chata e me
acompanha à muito, depressões, ansiedade extrema, nervosismo,
e depois se mencionar que os chemtrails(rastos químicos)
ajudam a causar todo o tipo de problemas físicos e mentais
ainda sou chamado de maluco..
Vão para a p#$% que vos p#$%!..

Dada Gunamuktananda - Consciousness -- the final frontier | TEDxNoosa (2014)

0 devaneios

Cancros dos intestinos e do estômago são o maior problema - JN

0 devaneios
Cancros dos intestinos e do estômago são o maior problema - Jornal de Notícias

..Petrogal e o Benzeno na água..

Polar Vortex Psy-Op, created by SBX Ionospheric Heater, Melts Arctic Methane, 30.12.2014

0 devaneios

Uso intenso de smartphones provoca alterações no nosso cérebro - ZAP

0 devaneios
Uso intenso de smartphones provoca alterações no nosso cérebro

Interested in cryto currency?? Do You search the World Wide Web?? What to make some cash??
Then click the banner bellow, register, help a brother out and start making some $$$ Yourself!!


• Agenda 21 for Dummies •

Earth emergency exits??

Pois é, onde estão as saídas de emergência da Terra? Onde??
Novamente, é favor abrir os olhos e ver o que se passa a volta!! Agradecido..

"funy dance" (só para descontrair um bocado)

The Hacker Manifesto

The following was written shortly after my arrest... (+++The Mentor+++)


\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/


+++The Mentor+++

Written on January 8, 1986


Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.
Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal",
"Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,

ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made
him tick,what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school...
I'm smarter than most of
the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain
for the fifteenth
time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms.
Smith, I didn't show my work.
I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is
It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I
screwed it up.
Not because it doesn't like me...
Or feels threatened by me...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through

the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is
sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.
"This is it... this is where I belong..."
I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to
them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... We've been spoon-fed baby food at
when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip
were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or
by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us will
ing pupils,
but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the
beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying
for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and
you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color,
without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us
and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.
You may stop this individual,
but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

+++The Mentor+++
