and are controlled, ending up supporting all the wrong things and submitting themselves
and their loved ones to vaccines..
TheAnarchast Published on 22 Jul 2019 Vaxxed - Forced Injections of Slaves Is The Last Step to Complete Tyranny with Del Bigtree Anarchast Ep.474 Topics include: the social media purge of anti-vax content, Del Bigtree at Anarchapulco, questioning authority, trusting intuition, natural law, making medical television with The Doctors, glyphosate, MMR vaccines and autism, mandatory vaccines, big pharma, vioxx, talcum powder, persecution of anti-vaxxers, Read ID, vaccines and asthma, an absence of placebo trials in testing, a lot of new vaccines being developed, Bill gates and depopulation, herd immunity, the myth of lifelong and herd immunity I Can Decide website: Anarchapulco 2020: Anarchast on Bit.Tube: Anarchast: Enjoy our content and would like to see us get more amazing guests and spread the word of freedom? A donation to this BTC address will give us more resources to do so: 16AJs5DFEcfCuXkwmx1o54Ld4yXzPP1gVR
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