"Trouble is, we now must decide, how are we to respond with what we now know? Sigh"
"Nine Potential and Proven Dangers to Muzzling Yourself..
Six Proofs Masks Do Not Reduce Infections..Five Ways Forced Masking is Immoral.."
“None of the sequences of the world destroying [sarcasm], computer generated coronavirus with its 30,000 or so nucleotides, are identical.”
“The virus maniacs use computers to compare the menagerie of sequences to come up with ‘A Consensus Sequence’ for HIV, Coronavirus, and all the rest. The consensus sequence exists in two places: in computers and in strings of RNA synthesized in the lab.”“Even consensus sequences are not stable. Different groups, using a variety of computer algorithms will invariably come up with different ‘consensus sequences’.”
“As of January 22, 2021 46 institutions and offices have responded to said requests. Every institution has failed to provide, or cite, even 1 record describing the actual isolation of any ‘SARS-COV-2’ from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever.”
NO records indicating SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. “Isolated” means “separated from other material.” It means “we actually found the virus and could identify it.”ACTUAL ISOLATION MEANS THE VIRUS EXISTS. INABILITY TO ISOLATE IT MEANS THERE IS NO PROOF THE VIRUS EXISTS.
There are a number of badly informed scientists who believe current “animal models” prove SARS-CoV-2 is infectious. They’re wrong.
First of all, I’ve been demonstrating that no one has proved the virus exists. But putting that aside for the moment and assuming it does exist, for the purposes of argument only…what is an animal model?
The ironies of the lockdown
Another irony was abortion mills and liquor stores remained open while churches were closed. Well, we couldn’t bear all the millions of alcoholics going through withdrawal symptoms all at the same time, could we? How cunning these plans were laid to abolish the church.
… it must be 2021 if robots are being quoted in the news.By PFW News
A Hong Kong-based robotics company plans to mass produce humanoid robots to replace workers across industries such as healthcare and education.
Hanson Robotics is set to launch a mass rollout of human-like robots that can compete with human workers, something the company’s founder says is needed to keep people safe in the age of the coronavirus.“The world of Covid-19 is going to need more and more automation to keep people safe,” founder and chief executive David Hanson claims.
I don’t claim to know every detail, but one thing seems abundantly clear. We are not going back to the way things were. GloboCap has been explaining this to us, over and over, for almost a year. They couldn’t have made it any more explicit. When they warned us to get ready because a “New Normal” was coming, they meant it.
And now … well … here it is.