you live in a fake world find the truth about -
At (By: a guest | Jan 12th, 2012)
All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and disaster we see in this world have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a few “invisible”, super-rich people behind the scenes, high above any power structure that the ordinary citizen knows about. They want to create a One World Government
The Arab Freemasonry
First masonic Obedience roughout the Arab World - the Grand Orient Arabe Œcuménique - give the first steps, surfing the Arab Spring, using the Internet and the Facebook to spread the news and the Masonic values it entitles . Nevertheless, there is a philosophical question in the Islam looking to clarify the separation between the world of God and the world of Men. Christianity has made that separation 200 years ago; the World of Islam needs to accomodate that problem in order he can enjoy the scope of liberties most nations have. Here the argument:
Freemasonery few presence, but present in almost all Arab countries where it is prohibited (except in Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco), whereas it was ubiquitous before the 1950s and its members are behind the Nahda Movement in the early 20th century, has like all those who are behind revolutions current to pass messages on the Internet and Facebook through the site of the Grand Orient Arabic Ecumenical dedicated on "The East Masonic" which is administered Global World by the Grand Master Jean Mark Aractingi.
Jean-Marc Aractingi is a French engineer, diplomat, and author of Lebanese origin and CEO of Groupe Arcore-Solarcore S.A., a leader of solar energy in the Middle East. He graduated as an engineer from AgroParisTech and spcializes in renewable energy preparing a DEA at Ecole Centrale de Paris. He was licenced in Centre d'Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques de Paris (CEDS) in Higher Diplomatic Studies. He is interested in politics with a DESS in Higher Diplomatic Studies and as an intern at Collège Interarmées de Défense. He is also a consultant to a number of African heads of state. A former member of Grande Loge de France (Orient de Paris) and former correspondent member of "Loge de Recherche Jean Scot Erigène de la Grande Loge de Paris" at Orient de Paris, he is now the Honorary Grand Master of 33rd degree at the Grand Orient Arabe and admnistrator of its official website. (ISBN 978-2-296-06536-9 ). Grand Orient Arabe Oecuménique Official website
He wrote "Peintres Orientalistes" that was published by Editions Vues d'Orient
He authored La politique à mes trousses published by Editions L'Harmattan,Paris, 2006 )( ISBN 2-296-00469-5 )
He also co-authored with Christian Lochon an authoritaive book on Muslim Freemasonry in Druzes, Ismaéliens, Alaouites, Confréries Soufies: Secrets Initiatiques en Islam et rituels maçoniques published by Editions L'Harmattan, Paris,2008
Grand Orient Arabe Œcuménique
Grand Orient Arabe Œcuménique
Grande Maîtrise de France
Jean-Marc ARACTINGI, Grand Maître du Grand Orient Arabe
Jean-Marc Aractingi - Ingénieur, Diplomate
Diplogéostratégies blog by Jean-Marc Aractingi
Jean-Marc Aractingi facebook
Joan Aractingi facebook
PDG ARCORE-SOLARCORE S.A Linkedin (read Privacy policy)
Jean-Marc Aractingi Wikipedia
all freemasons and conected
никита максимов -another agent that creat several facebook groups, put people as admin that dont know he is a zionist agent
никита максимов facebook
Jewish Restorationist Movement
Partido Judío Sefardí en España
? facebook page
they also create this fb groups
Independence - Независимость - Independencia
and they also put as admin people that doesnt know nothing about this zionist ocultist scam
Grand Orient USA
Arturo Gomez kabalist and part of the scam
Arturo Gomez facebook
spy CIA - Rami Zouari (نهضاوي حر)
Не играю с файсбук я работаю для ФСБ - CIA op
they have also this fb page - Henry Charles Albert David King of Hungary
Source at - "You live ina a fake world.."
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