nãoquero kopimi masvou
Não quero mas vou..

..vivemos uma distopia quando poderiamos viver uma utopia e o apocalipse não vai chegar.. ..o alocAPIpse já chegou e é esta distopia que nos forçamos viver.. ..como naquelas alturas.. ..aquelas quando não queremos ir, mas acabamos por nos dar de conta que já lá estamos! Chamemos-lhe contradições possíveis, mas é claro que nada passa de ilusão.. Puft..

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11 December 2020

The Great Hoax · COVID-19·84

(..although NQMV.. disagree w/ the existence of the virus, due to the inexistence of any sort of proof of it, everything else said by whistleblowers is accurate..
This being said, click on the titles, visit the 4 links, check it's sources and read everything throughly, so You start understanding what is happening a bit better and w/ luck and consciousness, also start to stop being a corona zombie-sheep/lemming..)

The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on an Unsuspecting Public

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola ✓Fact Checked

According to Dr. Roger Hodkinson, one of Canada’s top pathologists and an expert in virology, the COVID-19 pandemic is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson made these blunt statements during a zoom conference with an Alberta Community and Public Services Committee (see video above).

Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, a biotech company that manufactures COVID-19 PCR tests, so “I might know a little bit about all this,” he said, adding that the entire situation represents “politics playing medicine,” which is “a very dangerous game.”¹

He stressed that PCR tests simply cannot diagnose infection and mass testing should therefore cease immediately. He also pointed out that social distancing is useless as the virus “is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so.” As for face masks, Hodkinson stated that:

“Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time.

It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people — I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense — seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face … Nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people.”


Lockdowns Do Not Slow COVID Spread, Three Studies Show

By Jon Miltimore ~ 4 ¼ min.

Across America and Europe, many government officials are resuming lockdowns and tightening restrictions in the face of rising COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

The collateral damage of lockdowns, which has been well documented, includes widespread poverty, depression, bankruptcy, and unemployment. Meanwhile, the benefits of lockdowns remain murky.

Several studies show there is little correlation between government restrictions and lower COVID mortality rates. Here are three of them.

1. The Lancet, July

A study published on July 21 in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal founded in 1823, indicated that government lockdowns were ineffective.

Researchers collected data from the 50 countries with the most cases and found lockdowns were not associated with mortality reductions in critical COVID-19 cases, although factors such as obesity, smoking, and life expectancy were.

“...government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the study concluded.

2. Frontiers in Public Health, November

Similarly, a study published by Frontiers in Public Health several months after The Lancet paper found neither lockdowns nor lockdown stringency were correlated with lower death rates. Researchers crunched data from 160 countries over the first 8 months of the pandemic, testing numerous factors—such as public health, demographics, government policy, economy, and environment—to determine how each correlated with COVID-19 mortality.

“Stringency of the measures settled to fight pandemia, including lockdown, did not appear to be linked with death rate,” the researchers concluded.

3. Tel Aviv University Study, October

Research from Tel Aviv University published in October on the website medRxiv said that strict lockdowns may not save lives. Researchers analyzed mobility data collected from iPhones and found no statistical association between lockdown severity and the number of COVID-19 fatalities.

“We would have expected to see fewer Covid-19 fatalities in countries with a tighter lockdown, but the data reveals that this is not the case,” the researchers explained.


COVID vaccine—history matters

by Jon Rappoport

Now that governments are going to roll out “a vaccine to save the world” (see here and here), people should become aware of a history they don’t know exists.

The article below was a small section of my book, AIDS INC., which I wrote in 1987-8. At the time, I decided to take a look at vaccines and see what I could find out about them.

My ensuing research led me into all sorts of surprising areas.

Since the period of 1987-8, much more has come to light about vaccine safety and efficacy. Here is what I discovered way back when—


99% Of U.S. Population Would Not Benefit From Mass Vaccination With Pfizer’s RNA Covid-19 Vaccine

By Bill Sardi

News headlines claim 95% effectiveness for Pfizer RNA COVID-19 vaccine. In hard numbers, there is only a marginal (less than 1%) statistical advantage to vaccination compared to an inactive placebo vaccine. This deception will lead to massive overvaccination of the U.S. population.

Knowledge of Health, Dec. 9, 2020 – Analysis of data released by the FDA reveals mandated vaccination of the entire U.S. population with PFIZER’S COVID-19 RNA vaccine would prevent less than 1% of COVID-19 cases.

On December 10, 2020, the Food & Drug Administration, acting as a front-man for Pfizer drug company, released a seemingly positive report on the safety and effectiveness of a 2-dose RNA COVID-19 vaccine, claiming 95% effectiveness.

The design for this ongoing vaccine study is intended to determine how well an RNA-altering COVID-19 vaccine reduces incidence of COVID-19 infection as determined by a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) nasal swab test and by symptomology over a short-term (sometime 7 days after the 2nd inoculation). The PFIZER Report is available for viewing and analysis.

The 2-inoculation regimen is used to reduce dose-related side effects.

Both vaccinated and placebo groups experienced less than 1-percent infection rates in hard numbers, but on a relative basis vaccinated subjects experienced 95% less risk for infection.

The chance of benefiting from vaccination is less than 1-percent because very few are infected in the first place. This scheme hides the fact massive overvaccination needs to occur to produce a health benefit for very few.

Over all there were 9 cases of COVID-19 among 19,965 vaccinated subjects vs. 169 among 20,172 subjects in the placebo group. (9 divided by 169 = .05 or ~95% relative reduction in new cases of COVID-19). This is how investigators came up with the quoted 95% effectiveness for this vaccine.

It should not be misconstrued that 95% effectiveness means 95 out of 100 benefited from vaccination by reduction of risk for infection.

Over 38,000 subjects had to be inoculated to determine the number of lab-tested cases of COVID-19 were reduced from 169 to 9; (9 in 19,965 vaccinated subjects = 0.00045% or 4.5 cases in 10,000); compared to 162 COVID-19 infections among 20,172 that received an inactive placebo (0.00803% or 8 cases in 1000).

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• Agenda 21 for Dummies •

Earth emergency exits??

Pois é, onde estão as saídas de emergência da Terra? Onde??
Novamente, é favor abrir os olhos e ver o que se passa a volta!! Agradecido..

"funy dance" (só para descontrair um bocado)

The Hacker Manifesto

The following was written shortly after my arrest... (+++The Mentor+++)


\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/


+++The Mentor+++

Written on January 8, 1986


Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.
Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal",
"Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

Damn kids. They're all alike.

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,

ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made
him tick,what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school...
I'm smarter than most of
the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me...

Damn underachiever. They're all alike.

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain
for the fifteenth
time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms.
Smith, I didn't show my work.
I did it in my head..."

Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is
It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I
screwed it up.
Not because it doesn't like me...
Or feels threatened by me...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through

the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is
sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found.
"This is it... this is where I belong..."
I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to
them, may never hear from them again... I know you all...

Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike...

You bet your ass we're all alike... We've been spoon-fed baby food at
when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip
were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or
by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us will
ing pupils,
but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the
beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying
for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and
you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color,
without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us
and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.
You may stop this individual,
but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

+++The Mentor+++
